You’re an Idiot, but I Love You
You’re an idiot- but I love you.
Actually, you are a genius, one of a kind! I bet no one ever told you that or encouraged you to think for yourself. Inside of you, I see a highly intelligent spirit. I know you are capable of wonderful things.
You’re an asshole.
On the surface, it would appear that way. I bet you were never given the proper tools to express your thoughts and emotions.
I understand, and I love you.
You’re acting like a child. Grow up.
Oh, never grow up. We need more playful people.
Children can act out when they are frightened.
I am sorry you are scared. I love you.
You need to speak up, you coward.
I bet there were times no one ever listened to you, so why bother, right? You feel your voice doesn’t matter.
I get it, and I love you.
You need to shut up, Karen.
It seems as if things aren’t going well at home for you. You have a lot of frustration.
I love you. Can I help?