Today is the Day to Decide if You Want to Open Your Mind.

Thea Williams
5 min readNov 28, 2022


Reading opens your mind. Reading various topics by a multitude of authors, gives you insight into possibilities you may never have known existed.

Photo by Katerina Pavlyuchkova on Unsplash

Interestingly I read the below 2 excerpts from A Course in Miracles, this morning.

The blind become accustomed to their world through their adjustments to it.

They keep the world they learned to see in their imagination, believing that their choice is that or nothing.

The world they learned also means, the world they have been taught.

Unfortunately, we have been taught that there are limits. There are choices the self-appointed masters have offered you, and nothing more.

The masters inform you of the monsters out there, and all the terrible things that can go wrong, if you don’t stay in your cave, stay in your lane, or stay within your limits.

The masters convince you to place a big screen in your cave, where they can project and prove to you just how horrible things are out there. They advise you to “Stay tuned” with updates and information on how to stay safe.

But one day there is a tap on the cave entrance. With caution, you approach the small opening. “Who can this be, I have invited no one”. you ask yourself!

There stands a man with a grin. He graciously offers you an alternative to cave life. He hands you a brochure with pictures of coconut-lined beaches and buckets of fish.

You are intrigued, and just when you are about to take the pamphlet a voice comes booming down from the Gods, “Pay no attention to the man behind the stone wall”

Fear then takes over. Your subconscious grabs you, “It is safe here.” it says. It may not be perfect, and the stench of a dying soul, occasionally penetrates the scent of Febreeze but it is here where you know what to expect”

The unknown is frightening, the known is familiar. The familiar can be tamed.

The blind become accustomed to their world through their adjustments to it.

The cave is your mind. Do you want to open it?

God has given you intelligence, you don’t even know you possess. Why would you? Your whole life you were taught to obey the masters, the adults, the authorities, the wise ones who know so much more than you.

But what if you were given your power back? What new decisions would you make?

Today one of the most highlighted concerns is our health. Three years ago, that meant locking yourself up and paying attention to the little man on the screen who stood behind a podium, professing to be an expert on infectious diseases.

How did that work out for you? What did that do to your mental health and well-being?

According to a CBS news report dated April 2022, at least 30 students have died by suicide in the Clark County School District since the pandemic began.

The data on suicides in the country is skewed as different states and counties had different Covid policies. However, it appears those with the strictest lock downs, were the counties with the highest suicide rates.

During this critical time on our planet, many were frightened. They didn’t know who to trust or believe.

They keep the world they learned to see in their imagination, believing that their choice is that or nothing.

If anyone came along with alternative ideas or protocols they were called charlatans, cons, conspiracy theorists, selfish, and most of all grandma killers.

“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, keep your eyes on the man behind the podium.”

Fast forward to TODAY, because today is the day, things can change.

Free Will to Open Your Mind

What if some other great men and women had a different approach to health? Would you listen?

Here is the thing- you don’t have to. You have free will. Even though they tried to take that away from you, we are rocking that boat and demanding the sovereignty of our bodies. This includes the abortion debate.

Whether you believe in abortion or not, we can not deny the screams of both men and women who think terminating a baby’s life, is a decision a woman should be able to make without government interference.

And I agree, no government should ever tell us what to do with our bodies, and no government should hide or deny alternative choices.

sov·er·eign·ty /ˈsäv(ə)rən(t)ē/

1. supreme power or authority.

To be a sovereign being means to have supreme power over your own life. And this includes your health choices.

Even when you blindly trust a physician to decide for you, you have ultimately given up your sovereignty.

Today there are no excuses.

Medical journals, research, books, and alternative options are available with a click of a button.

Tedious to dig and read, I know, but worth it. Nothing felt better than making an informed choice. Nothing feels better than having confidence that you are on your way to abundant health because you got the information that felt right for YOU- the unique individual that you are.

There are no one size fits all protocols There are no one fits all pants!

Today, I ask you, do you want to open your mind? Do you want information that will rock your world, turn your life upside down, and put you in a state of shock?

How do I know this will happen? Because over 20 years I listened to the crazy ones, the ones who thought outside the box, the ones who were brave enough to stand up and speak out, and I was paralyzed with disbelief.

“How could this possibly be true”, I asked myself. But the scary thing was it all made sense. The wisdom that God gave me was kicking in.

Today those same people who changed my life are being censored.

Today is your opportunity to hear what they have to say, and decide what works for you.

The Meat of Wisdom

As a dear friend once said to me, “eat the chicken and spit out the bones.”

Below is a link to a docu-series that is being relaunched. It was origianlly launched last year, but new information has come out, therefore it was important to the creator, Jonathon Otto to update it and get it out to as many people as possible. Many of the speakers are people I worked with, listened to and greatly benefited from.

If you choose to click on the link, I suggest you use what resonates with you, Swallow up and apply the information that says “YES” to your soul.

Throw the rest of it out.

With information, you are able to make better choices for YOU. Your sovereignty lies in only one person’s hands.

The monsters of limitations are all in your head! Open your mind and let them out.

Today at 8:00 pm EST, the updated and reloaded 9 session docu-series is being released. You get to watch it for Free.

Brave: Live Courageously and Heal Miraculously.

Will you be watching? Will you step outside of the cave for one night, and then decide if it is safe to go further and watch all 9?

Live Bravely- it’s worth the risk!

Thea- lover of all things magical.



Thea Williams
Thea Williams

Written by Thea Williams

Intuitive Energy Therapist, BA. in Metaphysical Sc., Theta Healing and E.F.T. practitioner. Offering wellness tips, recipes and holistic health strategies.