Thanks for this. There are so many good points.
It was just last night when I was watching a video of the streets of Philly that I became extremely aggitated over the false pretense that humans care about eachother. If they did, these things wouldn't be taken place.
Many do, but certainly not the masses that can actually make a difference.
And I was also thinking that this level of poverty is not normal or part of our history.
Capitalism is here to stay for a litlle while longer because humans couldn't function without it's illusion, but it is slipping. Many are going back to homesteading and homeschooling.
In the meantime, I think those of us who actually do care and take notice should use the benefits of capitalism for good causes.
I can not imagine living a life of luxury without helping another brother.
I help the homeless when I can, even inviting some into my home for a shower and a meal. I say this not to brag, but because it should be the norm.
I have gotten crap from people about how dangerous it is, but I never did it without my inner guide telling me to, therefore, I never felt unsafe.
All the world really needs is to feel loved.
Imagine walking the streets looking for a meal as you pass stores full of people buying useless nonesense to fill their sense of worth.
What would the viewer actually see? I can not speak for all, but I would imagine they see themselves unworthy of the riches others (pretend to) enjoy.
The rich and the poor are both seeking the same thing- LOVE.