Start Your Day Before You Get Out of Bed

Thea Williams
7 min readJun 12, 2022


Tomorrow is Monday. How does that make you feel?

Photo by DANNY G on Unsplash

Do you dread Mondays? Most people do, especially the 9–5ers. Actually, they dread getting out of bed Monday-Friday. That is 71% of the week. OUCH!

So what do you do? You hit the snooze button, preventing yourself from entering your reality for 9 more minutes. You desire to go back to your dreams.

What is your dream?

What is it you are hoping will happen during these 9 minutes.? Do you fantasize your boss will call and say, “we profited so much this quarter that we want to give you the day off with pay?”


It is possible that you love your job, your life, and your partner and are eager to start your day, but most people don’t.

That’s unfortunate.

I‘ve been there. I used to avoid any interaction with my (ex)husband. It wasn’t hard to do. He spent most of his time drinking in front of the TV, with no interest in what I was up to. I suppose he felt the same way.

I have dragged my butt out of bed to take myself to my unfulfilling job. Although I loved working with people, I always had a nagging feeling there was something else I was supposed to be doing. The number one thing I craved was not having to listen to some inexperienced knucklehead telling me what to do.

I realized the only way for my life to change was to change myself and change my thinking. I wanted to wake up every day, happy.

The first thing I had to do was make a decision. I had to take full accountability for where I was in my life. It wasn’t anyone else’s fault, although I had a long list of people I could blame.

Heck, I could go even further and blame society, the government, and the damn collective consciousness, who still haven’t figured out that every thought and fear they have emanates out of their pores, affecting their environment.

But people are hooked. They seek confirmation that the world is a terrible place. As they heat their caffeine kettle, they turn on the news, activating their frontal lobes with anxiety and despair. They feel slightly better after they injected their minds with a boost of the addictive juices.

Now it’s time to shower and get dressed.

They put on their garb, dictated by the employee handbook. Women jam their toes into tight-fitting heels, while men drape themselves in another gray, blue, or brown ensemble.

I never understood office fashion- how painful and dull.

Of course, there are cultural reasons as to why they do this. They feel they have no choice and they are right because the small mind will agree with anything you tell it. Also, the ego loves you so much it will create exactly what you feed it.

Can you change your breakfast for the brain?

You bet, and it starts the second you wake up.

Below are some simple things I do to start my day. You can try it if you wish, create your own ritual or you can hit the snooze button. Remember, you have a choice and the first step to making change is deciding to change. But you have to be hungry for a different life and believe it can happen. You cannot dream a new life into existence.

I have some clients come to me saying they want change but aren’t willing to do the heavy lifting. They expect me to do it for them. I am not the genie that comes after they hit the snooze button. I can, however, assist them, coach ’em, so to speak.

It’s hard, I get it. Don’t beat yourself up if you are one of those people. Big changes are hard for the small self who tells you, you are powerless. You must train your mind, body, and spirit. It’s like a muscle and must be built up. Keep working at it and before you know it, you are lifting yourself out of your rut.

So here is how I start my day.

Before I get out of bed, I say, “Wow, here I am again. I have another opportunity to create. I wonder what today will bring?”

Sometimes I will look out the window (I am lucky to see Mother Earth from my bed) I see the sunlight preparing to warm the Earth. I see the green bushes welcoming the winds. Often I hear birds declaring the night has completed its cycle. Occasionally, I hear the dog down the block that is being ignored by its owner. He barks, “Open the darn door, I know you are in there”

I smile at his persistence. I am guessing his master hit the snooze button and went back to bed after he let him out to tinkle.

Every morning, the shadows are slightly different. The chipping sparrow’s song has changed its pitch. It reminds me that nothing stays the same. Change is a natural process all creatures experience. Humans are the only ones who fight it.

I don’t always use the same internal dialogue when I wake up, but the goal is to see the day as a chance to have a novel experience and co-create. I see myself as the captain of my ship, building a new schooner.

Yeah, I get frustrated once in a while when the wood has yet to be delivered to the shipyard, but I know it’s coming and that brings excitement to my 12-year-old self. See, one key to a joyous life is being child-like and having a sense of wonder. We lost that somewhere along the way.

Then I close my eyes again. I repeat 3 times, “I qualify everything in my world this day with perfection, because ‘I AM’ perfection, I qualify this mind and body with Absolute Perfection and refuse acceptance of anything else.”

It is from I Am Discourses, Volume 3

Next, I focus on my heart space. I envision it as a brilliant sun. I feel my whole body expanding with light. It only takes a few seconds.

Then I imagine connecting my brain to the galaxies. In my mind, I repeat, “I unite, unite, unite with the cosmic forces to bring me all I desire.”

Obviously, the next step is to inform it of what it is I desire. It’s not a long list. I don’t want to overload and short circuit the outlet I am plugged into.

Another important component of this practice is to not just say the words, but to feel them. That’s why I focus on the center of my chest. I want to raise the oscillation. The heart emanates a frequency that is thousands of times stronger than the brain. Combine the 2 and look out!

Of course, the wording should be what you are comfortable with. You can use phrases such as “I receive, I co-create, I have.”

These aren’t affirmations. Affirmations don’t work for various reasons.

One problem is that too many people are told that if they just say a bunch of words, they will leap into a new reality. When it doesn’t happen in their tiny time frame, they feel it’s all just bull dinky and they have no real impact. They remember when they were young and were constantly told, “You can’t have everything you want”

Shit, you can’t even wear what you want.

If your cellular memory is telling you a different story, it is going to take time and effort to rewrite the script.

Speak the words as if they were commands. Take charge and accountability, as a good ship's captain ought to do! These are requests you give to the electronic belt to create. After all, everything is stardust, waiting to form.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Shifts can happen fast, but not until you believe it. This may take some time. Most likely, it is when you have your first moment of “Holy Cow, the cosmos really are listening.” (You can call it God, Angels, or ETs whatever you want. The Alpha and Omega has no name.)

During your day, look for signs saying you are on the right track. By the way, they can be actual signs. I remember years ago, I was asking God, “Why doesn’t Dougie call me?”

He was a guy I had a deep connection with, but it was going nowhere.

I kid you not. a few minutes later, as I was driving down the road, I saw a sign that said, Elect Doug Coward for County Commissioner.

Well, there was my answer! The man who held my heart was a coward! I laughed. It was true. He was a sweet soul, but his unconscious alarm clock was often on snooze.

Pay attention to melodies that you hear as well. The musicians of the macrocosm love to communicate through song.

Also, look for signs of the small self telling you to go back to bed. They will show up because change freaks out the little mind. It doesn’t know how to behave, it doesn’t know what “different” looks like.

Show it what it looks like. While you are there on your back requesting Universal Intelligence to create your new life, give it an image, and see all the details in your mind. Make an imprint on the field of possibilities, and smile!

Now you can embrace the day with enthusiasm. You can look at the world with a sense of wonder, and before you know it, you will realize you are connected to the great magician who gave you a dream.

Thea Williams Scalco, B.Msc, C.H. -Lover of all things magical

Author of The Real Us (and we’re not crazy)



Thea Williams
Thea Williams

Written by Thea Williams

Intuitive Energy Therapist, BA. in Metaphysical Sc., Theta Healing and E.F.T. practitioner. Offering wellness tips, recipes and holistic health strategies.

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