Over 20 years ago I walked around for 2 weeks like a zombie when i discovered my son was vaxx injured.
My research unveiled a dark secret.
I spent years working with researchers and doctors who knew the truth.I worked for a non profit then created my own, to teach people about this madness and how to obtain true health.
Prior to the BS hitting the US, I knew exactly what was coming down the pipeline.People thought I was nuts when I said this is going to lead to mandatory vaccines.
I found myself once again walking around in that zombie state, shocked that people would comply.
I pray for the people of other countries, it blows my mind how they don't see it.
In my opinion, it is black magick. They are under a spell
"turn on your devices, and we the masters will tell you what to fear, who to hate"
I have come to peace with it after 2 years. They have made their beds, and all i can do is create a space for myself where sovereignty still reigns.
Thanks for discussing this. Maybe others won't listen, but t I have deep affection and respect for anyone that speaks out.