My personal opinion is children want to be loved and will do just about anything to feel loved.
If we told them to wear a mask on their butts to protect others from infectious gas they would do so.
Also the mask is cloth. It is a security blanket for them, a place to hide. In a world of fear and insecurities, what a great way to MASK who you really are deep inside.
Our kids are already hiding behind screens most of their lives. They don't know how to have eye contact or engage in conversations.
I love how people say we wear masks to protect others, yet only wear them when out in public. I guess these kind souls don't worry about protecting the ones they love when sitting on the couch together or snuggling under the covers.
It is purely virtue signaling.
If you think a deadly microbe cannot pass through a cloth then how the hell has our species survived for thousands of years without them.
Putting a mask on a child who has 99.9 percent chance of not getting Covid is setting them up to believe their BREATH (life source) is deadly.
Want to protect your children- feed him good healthy food, let em play in the sun, make sure they exercise and give lots of HUGS!
Hugs heal, not KILL.
I am new here and I am not worried in the least about expressing my view, which comes from years of education in the health industry, knowing I will be labeled a conspiracy theorists.