My mom is 93, smokes non-fiter camels, drinks coffee and snacks on cakes, cookies and pudding. all day long.
I think it is all mindset. She loves everything she consumes- she doesn't think of them as bad.
Her young mind was trained to believe cigarettes were good when she started. Hey doctors recommended it. So when the "news: came out about cigarettes causing cancer, she simply didn't buy into it.
She was also raised on real food. Her luscious treats were made with pure cream, butter and farm fresh eggs.
I honestly believe if my mom ate better, she'd have more energy, but she is now in the hypnotic trance believing t that people her age are weak.
There are people all over the world who are happy healthy centurions.
The subconscious is everything and those who succeed truly know they can- period.
Those that fail are full of doubt and no matter what formula they follow, or whose advice they take, success will never find them.
There are people who will read your post and give up, thinking he is right- II's a small percent, that succeed. There are no answers and I have shitty luck.
Then there will be some that will say, Heck I can do this because the odds are in my favor. I am an introvert, I got plenty of money to hold me over while I climb the ladder and I am good- looking to boot!
Or whatever, you get the point.
Honesty, I don't know what they will tell themselves but as Ford said, "If you believe you can or if you believe you can't, you are right! "