Lightworkers and the Call

Thea Williams
3 min readMay 24, 2022


The light is within and it calls you

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

Have you been told you are a Lightworker?

Do you even know what that means?

They are people who express an inner light. It is a person who deeply cares about others and shows it in their actions or perhaps just in their smiles. A Lightworker will touch people in a way that just being in their presence feels good. Maybe they make you laugh or they offer a kind word or an uplifting message.

Lightworkers may seem a little weird to most because they don’t follow society’s rules very well. They clearly see things are very wrong with our systems: financial, government, education, etc. They are outcasts and think out of the box. Lightworkers know there is more to life than they have been taught.

While people are involved in the latest scandal or fighting about the hot topic of the day, Lightworkers are far more interested in being creative. While others follow Elon’s tweets, their eyes follow the path of the migrating geese.

Most Lightworkers avoid loud places. They can’t tolerate traffic or big cities. They would prefer to be alone than in a crowd or at a party. Nature brings them peace and rejuvenation.

As the chaos continues on planet Earth, more people feel called to make a difference. There is a deep yearning for change. Their light has diminished and they want it back. Unfortunately, they don’t know where to begin.

Do some of these resonate with you?

Does your daily life feel unsatisfactory? Do you no longer feel connected to old friends and family members? Are your sleep patterns off? Are you happy one day, exhausted the next?

This is normal. Things are shifting at an incredible rate. Mass changes are stirring up and down and all around, spinning faster than the stars in the galaxy and you are feeling it.

Some other symptoms you may experience:

A desire to be outside with nature

Digestive issues as you become more sensitive to foods


Pains n the joints

A strong interest in metaphysics/spirituality/connecting to something bigger

Synchronicities occurring more often

Heightened intuition- you just know things are true with no evidence.

News and negativity affect your health- you feel sick or highly disturbed by it.

If you are experiencing any of these then welcome to the world of light. You are being upgraded.

Feels awful right?

I want you to think of the caterpillar who must cocoon first. He escapes from the world, seeking refuge to transform. All his energy is used to build his wings. He struggles to emerge as his new self. Then, fearlessly, he flies!

Are you eager to fly?

Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash

Change is tough, so start one small step at a time.

Such as

Add more high-frequency foods. Raw fruits and veggies are best.

Drink more water.

Eliminate addictive behaviors

Read a book about metaphysics

Detox with salt baths

Take a class

Avoid the news

Stop complaining

Start seeing the beauty in the world.

Come join the Lightworker’s party. We are patiently awaiting your arrival to help bring in this new world; a world full of love and infinite possibilities.

Thea Williams-Scalco, B.A.Msc., C.H. — lover of all things magical

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Thea Williams
Thea Williams

Written by Thea Williams

Intuitive Energy Therapist, BA. in Metaphysical Sc., Theta Healing and E.F.T. practitioner. Offering wellness tips, recipes and holistic health strategies.

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