I Left Medium for a Week and Had to Ask Myself Why?

Thea Williams
4 min readDec 3, 2021


It has been over a week since I have visited Medium. I suppose one reason would be because I went out of town for a couple of days due to the holiday, but being back now for 5 days is making me wonder.

What’s the problem? Why have I had no desire to return??
Yes, I ask myself questions. Questions are good.

When I first joined Medium a little over 3 months ago, I was excited. I love to write and I love to read, so why wouldn’t I be thrilled?

I spent the first few weeks reading a lot. I wanted to get a feel for the platform.

I have to say I was stunned. The anger, hate, and negativity were mind-blowing. Sure we all have our reasons to feel the way we feel and yes writing is a great outlet, but do you have to bash others all the time?

Do you have to hit publish?

May I suggest a diary with a lock on it?

I have some compassion for these people, and I sincerely hope they find peace.


Opinions are necessary but I have decided to skip or unfollow repeat felons; those who have nothing insightful to offer. I have bitten my tongue so many times it bleeds. I am an adult. I can make that choice!

I still get suckered into a nice headline, however. They appear neutral and perhaps offer a different perspective or an unbiased opinion. Maybe like the journalist of yesteryear, they will point out both sides of the story and allow the reader to make up their own minds, but no- it’s just vomiting.

I have news for you- your opinion is not new or introspective. It is exactly what I stated- vomit. You are just spewing some garbage you heard somewhere else and decided it was a fact.

Another news flash- opinions are not facts.


I have been refraining from commenting on stories because the last time I did, with good intentions, the author misunderstood me, had a pissy fit, and blocked me. Yet this author claims to be a free thinker.! YUCK YUCK YUCK!

I think he was used to being attacked and just assumed I was doing the same without ever really opening his mind to what I was trying to convey. It’s just easier to bitch, block, and run.

Discussions are no longer acceptable if, for some reason, you feel bullied because the world told you that you were a victim. And anyone that doesn’t coddle your views is either Satan, a white supremacist, trans-phobic, or a Nazi Trumpster.

I am not here to judge anyone. You are entitled to your opinions, rants, and your “facts”

I know, I know, no one needs to have reliable resources anymore. Welcome to the world of Wikipedia, Snopes, and fact-checkers, where valid documentation is not a necessity.

I feel like I am living in a world of frauds where the intelligent get censored, and the uneducated get claps.

Sorry, but I got a nice little gig I am trying to keep- it is called JOY, and I am not going to let anyone fuck that up for me. I can do that on my own and trust me, I still do at times. It is called taking accountability for my emotions and reactions.

Having an array of emotions is great. Being upset is human, but can you cry about something real and not your illusions of what someone else told you is real?

Get your head off the internet. Get outside, and breathe where there are plants and birds and rocks and things. (And a Horse with No Name!)

If you get this, “You Can Do Magic” and I love you!

So maybe I will be back after another week or so, but I can promise you, I won’t be reading your whiny ass, blame game stories. The world needs healing and the first step towards that is accountability, not finger-pointing.

Much thanks to the excellent, soulful writers here. I will bask in your words of wisdom and swim in your pools of passion because that shit is juicy good.

I especially want to thank Frank T Bird, who got me thinking! Yes, thinking is yummy and a thought-provoking author will make your mouth water.

In Conclusion

Please, DO YOU- you do it well. You are not here to satisfy me.

And I will do me for the same reason.

We aren’t a good match if I offended you! But we are a great match if you desire to go outside your current reality. You don’t have to stay stuck. You can play in the mystery of it all with questions, contemplation, and a rich desire to connect to the human heart.



Thea Williams
Thea Williams

Written by Thea Williams

Intuitive Energy Therapist, BA. in Metaphysical Sc., Theta Healing and E.F.T. practitioner. Offering wellness tips, recipes and holistic health strategies.

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