Discontent is a Good Thing

Thea Williams
4 min readJun 19, 2022


When you are discontented, it means you got more to do.

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

In a realm that says, “stay positive”, how can discontent be good? Simple, it means you are not happy with where you are in life. It means you have an aching for something more.

Just like physical pain, discontent is a symptom that something is wrong. You can take a Tylenol for a headache or pack a bag of ice on your swollen knee, but when the heart is discontent, there is no quick fix.

You may search for temporary contentment with Netflix and a bag of Doritos, or numb it with a gin and tonic, but it will return.

Every one of us is born with a purpose. It would be super nice if that purpose was given to us on a golden certificate ready to be signed by God, along with directions on how to achieve it. But I never got mine, so I am assuming neither did you.

However, that purpose is imprinted in your heart. You came here full of enthusiasm, ready to become the Alchemist. Little did you know there was going to be an onslaught of distractions and well-meaning “big people” to guide you elsewhere.

You were pushed to go in one direction, either by a parent, teacher, or Mother Culture. Or perhaps the shiny object syndrome hit you when you were watching a YouTube ad and licking your fingers to remove the cheese dust from your chips.

Now here you sit, alone and struggling, still wondering what you will be when you grow up. Let me ask you this- when you were a kid, what did you want to be? I don’t mean Batman or a German Shepard; I mean, what excited you?

Photo by TK on Unsplash

Maybe, like many kids, anything new excited you because you were a sponge for knowledge, but eventually, there was that thing, that one thing that lit up your soul. Are you doing it?

If you are, Bravo! If not, what is stopping you?

You may quickly come up with a list in your mind. The reasons may seem very valid and noble, but if you continue down the same path, will you ever be really happy?

Aren’t you worthy of complete and ultimate joy?

Your heart came with a plan, and until you fulfill that plan, you will feel discontent. So discontent is a good thing. It’s a symptom that something is wrong.

Are you going to ignore it?

It’s a choice and we all have free will, so it is up to you and no one else. It is time to stop all the excuses.

Will you disappoint or hurt someone else if you take the giant leap? Perhaps, but anyone that truly loves you would encourage you, not keep you down. And if you truly love someone, it is your duty to be happy. No one wants to be around a miserable beast.

Be discontent, but not discouraged.

You’re a badass, and until you realize it, the ache will never dissipate.
And when you go for it, there is no way you can fail because it is written in your DNA.

Don’t quit. You know what it is you want, and you can go for it now, or take your bag of regrets into the next chapter of your life.

A little book to help you.

I came across a wonderful little book written in the 1930s called Your Heart’s Desire by Emmet Fox. It was so inspiring that I am now determined to get my heart’s desire, and it’s not being Rapunzel, trapped in her castle.

Yes, I have felt discontent, and I am thankful. Without it nudging me, I may have remained a martyr, sacrificing my joy for others. It’s very admirable until you become depleted because is impossible to drink from an empty vessel. Therefore, it is your responsibility to be fulfilled.

Listen to my Podcast, Getting Your Heart’s Desire, where I discuss Emmet. Fox’s publication. May it wake you up to the fact that your discontentment is a good thing and you now have full permission to listen to all the voices in your head, saying, “Go For It. We Got Your Back!”

Thea Williams Scalco, BaMsc., C.H. — lover of all things magical.

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Thea Williams

Intuitive Energy Therapist, BA. in Metaphysical Sc., Theta Healing and E.F.T. practitioner. Offering wellness tips, recipes and holistic health strategies.