All Writers Should be Tapping into this Billion-Dollar Business
When I decided to make the leap and follow my heart, it was nerve wracking.
My in-person classes and sessions were canceled due to______. (The thing that shall not be named.) It was the perfect time to start writing again, but I didn’t. I still had that nagging fear, I would fail. I chased a few other shiny opportunities, but my heart just wasn’t in them.
However, I knew there were 2 things I loved more than anything- writing and teaching.
All writers are teachers. It is why we write! We have something in our spirit that nudges us. We desire to create and share. A painter has a vision of colors and lines. He is pleased with his art and hangs it on the wall for all to see.
A writer has activity in the brain and pulsations in the heart. We struggle to merge the two. When we finally do, we gotta “show and tell”.
We may not have awards, but we have cooked something up, many cannot. We took scrambling eggs (thoughts), wrapped them in bacon (our feelings), and fried them on the grill. (keyboard).
(Hush, I had to hide the fact that some writers have emotions. If we tell ’em it’s bacon they are working with they will be more at ease.)
Many people, like myself, never thought writers could have an abundant life, so we ditched the idea, like burnt toast.
Jump In!
It was just before my birthday, that I said, “Screw it.” I had so much trapped inside this meat suit, that I was forced to make some brawny omelets. Less than 2 months ago, I found Medium, started writing and I began creating a course. It was now or never.
According to a 2018 Forbes article, online course sales were predicted to reach $325 billion by 2025. That was pre-pandemic. I don’t think anyone had any idea the world would be shutting down schools and businesses, bringing the majority of the population online. I am guessing $325 is low.
Based on my reading, Medium has a lot of smart, enthusiastic creators. Articles on writing are abundant here on Medium, but so are the many stories from people who have deep desires to share what they love, whether it is food, tech, yoga, or how to hate Trump in 20 days or less! LOL. (Not me, I don’t hate anyone really, but I find humor in those who can’t stop talking about him.)
We all know those “HOW TO” posts get a lot of clicks. Add a number to the title, “Woah” It’s like releasing a balloon into the air. It soars!!
“Come on man”, you know you should be teaching a course. Yes, YOU, because everyone has something to share. Perhaps you really, really do love bacon and you can create a course on all the different ways to add it into your life.
I know you have fear and doubt. I did, but I moved past it and my course is now in the makin’. (Rhymes with bacon) There ya go. I just gave you a title- Makin’ Bacon. You can steal it if you wish and create a course on Side Hustles or 10 Ways Writers Can Increase Their Income, since bacon is so expensive!
I want you to do this. I am having so much fun with all that I am learning from this free course. I should have shared it earlier but I wanted to feel it out first. I never recommend anything unless I taste it.
Tonight and for the next 3 days, you can watch The 5 Profit-Killing Mistakes Keeping Course Creators from Online Success in 2022.
See how smart Marisa Murgatroyd is, she implemented a number into her title.
Sign up, check her out and let me know what YOU think. I love feedback.The webinars are live and you will be sent the replays I got to watch that you sadly missed.
I See You. You Matter!
Thea Williams -Scalco, B.Msc, C.H.-lover of all things magical.
Author of The Real Us (and we’re not crazy)
Some articles I write may contain affiliate links. May all writers SOAR!
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