3 Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block

Thea Williams
3 min readMay 5, 2022


Going Zen before the pen.

Photo from Amazon

Everyone experiences writer’s block, and it’s not just writers.
It happens when the creative juices aren’t swimming around the right side of the brain. People get stuck in the pressure to perform. (Oh yeah, there’s that block too.) It happens to musicians, painters, etc.

Here are 3 things I do to push through the dam to overcome writer’s block.

1. Do Nothing.

Yep, nothing. Just sit in the silence. You can call this meditation, but some people freak out when they hear that word. Not sure why?

Meditation simply means going into a theta state. You do it all the time. It’s also called going into “The Zone.” It is when your brain waves slow down and disengage from scattered thoughts.

Have you ever driven past your exit or forgotten what you were watching on T.V.? How about when the wife is talking, and you suddenly realize you didn’t hear a word she said? Sure, your ears were working, but you were tuned into something else. Technically, all you are doing is tuning out all the outside noise.

If you find it difficult to quiet the mind, tune in to the heart or the breath. Choose a mantra (repetitive phrase) until the mind stops racing.

If you are too macho for Zen, pick a mantra that says, “I am a badass.”

It doesn’t matter what you say, as long as you keep it positive. The point is to get the mind off of the useless chatter, stress, and angst.

It takes practice but is so highly effective. It is when all the inspiration will come flooding in. Keep a notebook with you to jot down the ideas.

2. Get near running water.

The Earth element of water helps things flow. If you can’t find a river or a stream, take a shower, just for the sake of cleansing the mind, not because you have to get dressed and rush out of the house. Let the water run over your head and body, cleansing your energy. It will increase your creativity, disentangling your writer’s block.

Doing the dishes in a sink of water is good too. Fill it up with hot water, stick your hands in and swish ’em around while wiping the dishes clean. Turn on the faucet and rinse.

Have no dishes in your bachelor pad? Fill up the tub and splash around like a 4-year-old. You can grow old but you don’t have to grow up. Being youthful is where all the fun is. You didn’t have to leave your creative genius in the sandbox.

Get yourself a water fountain and place it in the area you like to create.
You can find one small enough for a desktop, or go BIG. Get a water fountain for the corner of the room and one for outside in the yard. (I LOVE this one)

Work on the porch or open the windows on a rainy day.

Drink some water. You may be dehydrated! The brain is made of water too!

3. Clean up your workspace.

All that clutter is distracting you.! Organize and discard items. You will immediately feel a sense of space and clarity.

That’s all I am writing about the 3rd way to overcome writer’s block. Just do it!

I guess I need to get back to my silence. OMMMM!

RECAP: What are the 3 things you can do to overcome writer’s block?

  1. Do nothing
  2. Get near water
  3. Clean your gosh darn mess!

Thea- Lover of all things Magical.


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Thea Williams
Thea Williams

Written by Thea Williams

Intuitive Energy Therapist, BA. in Metaphysical Sc., Theta Healing and E.F.T. practitioner. Offering wellness tips, recipes and holistic health strategies.

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